E-Town Properties is proud to serve the community of Emporia, Kansas. We would love to help you find your next rental home, apartment, or condominium. We want to meet your needs and make sure you receive top-notch service. Ready to see a property listed here? Call us today at 620-757-0508 or send us a message on our contact page — we’re here to help you. Our office is located at 527 Sunnyslope Street, Emporia, KS, 66801.
The History of E-Town Properties, LLC
E-Town Properties, LLC, is locally owned and operated by Brian R. Willhite. Brian was born and raised in Emporia and attended local schools and Emporia State University. Brian lives in Emporia with his daughter, son and their Boston terrier. In his free time, Brian enjoys attending his daughter’s sporting events and spending time with both of his children.
Brian started doing property management about 10 years ago as Willhite Rentals, which eventually became E-Town Properties, LLC. E-Town Properties manages a vast portfolio of houses and apartments, some of which are owned by Brian and others are managed properties. E-Town Properties prides itself in providing a wide variety of clean, affordable and well-maintained properties. Brian also owns and operates Brian’s Lawncare which he started from the ground up at age 15, for information about lawn care please visit www.brianslawncare1997.com.
Frequently Asked Questions
If your question is not answered here, please contact us — we will be glad to help you.
- What lease terms are offered through E-Town Properties?
E-Town Properties generally requires a 12-month lease.
- When is rent due?
Rent is due on the 1st of each month. Payment may be made to “Brian R. Willhite” in the form of cash, check, or money order. Cash payments must be made at our office: 527 Sunnyslope Street, Emporia, KS 66801. Beginning on the 2nd day of the month, a $20/day late fee is assessed for a maximum of 10 days.
- If I am going to have roommates, will each resident need to sign an individual lease?
No. All tenants must sign one Joint & Several Lease, holding each signed tenant responsible for meeting the terms of the lease. Therefore, if one tenant defaults on payment, the remaining tenants are still responsible for paying the entire rent. It is not the responsibility of E-Town Properties to make sure each tenant pays his or her portion.
- When should I start looking for an apartment or rental house?
We recommend looking for a new apartment 8-12 weeks prior to your desired move-in date.
- What appliances and/or furnishings are included?
E-Town Properties does not rent any fully furnished apartments. Appliances and furnishings vary by location, so please read the location details and description carefully. If you still have questions, or if details are not listed, please feel free to contact us.
- What if I have a maintenance problem?
Residents may call us during normal business hours regarding problems with heating, A/C, plumbing, appliances, lock-outs, etc. — charges may apply at the discretion of E-Town Properties. Maintenance does not cover light bulbs, filters, etc. For after-hours maintenance, please Request a Repair. Life-threatening emergencies should always be reported to the proper authorities immediately.